[Lazarus] Lazarus repository in Git (summary)

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at t-online.de
Thu Nov 6 13:12:57 CET 2008

Am Donnerstag, den 06.11.2008, 11:20 +0200 schrieb Graeme Geldenhuys:
> That I understand all to well. We had the same issue when we moved
> from Team Coherence to SubVersion. SubVersion could really do with a
> GUI like TC has.

I don't know TC and it's GUI, but for cvs and svn there is always TkCVS.
Despite it's name it can handle svn nowadays and since it's written in
tcl/tk it run anywhere (yes, I did use it on windows with cvs).

Hopefully I got the URL correct (source is on sf.net):



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