[Lazarus] Changing the tab position in Lazarus editor?
Mac Programmer
MacPgmr at fastermac.net
Sat Nov 8 22:59:02 CET 2008
Orpheus includes the TOvcNotebook control. I ported it 3 years ago
but did not include it in the Orpheus package for Laz since I did not
think there was a use for it, what with TPageControl. Also, it didn't
work. I brushed it off today and find that it's now basically
functional on win32 and carbon - shows how much the LCL and
widgetsets have advanced since then.
If there's interest, I can add TOvcNotebook to the Orpheus package
and commit it to CCR SVN. You can then take a look at it to see if it
meets your needs. Tabs work on all 4 sides, by the way.
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