[Lazarus] Performance of GTK 2 and CE

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Wed Nov 12 11:03:29 CET 2008

2008/11/11 Aleš Katona <almindor at gmail.com>:
> Now don't get me wrong.. there's nothing wrong on going to other solutions (even ones which have cost as products) if your situation warrants it. I have also sometimes used different solutions where time didn't permit to fix the various FPC/Lazarus problems (for commercial projects).
> What I don't like is when people try to sort of "blackmail" their problems into attention by statements like you did before regarding "we'll be forced to go elsewhere". This isn't a demand driven development model, bugs are fixed on personal mood/itch basis, not on someone "customer" needs (although majority and critical bugs obviously get more attention).
> So if you think your money/time is best spent elsewhere, fine, but don't make a crybaby out of the decision. If you decide to stay and help with the problem then even better of course :)

i think you are misunderstanding mark, here.  the fact that he is
taking the time to test and write detailed emails _is_ his
contribution.  the hardest part of solving the problem is pinpointing
it, in many cases.  this problem might not even be related to lazarus,
i guess.


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