[Lazarus] WebLaz Question

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Wed Nov 19 19:34:59 CET 2008

Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> Zitat von Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com>:
>> Lee Jenkins wrote:
>>> Lee Jenkins wrote:
>>>> Mattias Gärtner wrote:
>>>>>> Also, has anyone done any more extensive sample than are located in the
>> /
>>>>> The error message is for both: users of the package and the weblaz
>> authors.
>>>>> For the users it is sufficient:
>>>>> Package needs installation...open forms...package weblaz.
>>>>> If you want to open the form in the IDE, you probably need to install
>> weblaz,
>>>>> because weblaz is needed by your project and weblaz provides some IDE
>> plugins.
>>>>> The weblaz author needs the information about the register procedure and
>> the
>>>>> unit.
>>>>> Maybe the text can be changed to a short advice (install weblaz) and a
>> paragraph
>>>>> "Details".
>>>>> Mattias
>>>> Thanks Mattias,
>>>> Something is not right here.  I have tried to install the package as well
>> as a
>>>> couple of others (like Zeos) in my lazarus installation which is 0.9.27
>> rev.
>>>> 16975.  But if I look at the Package Graph, weblaz and other packages that
>> I
>>>> thought I had installed are marked with a Green "+" (Plus sign) and State
>> =
>>>> "Install on next start" but that never happens.
>>>> I have rebuilt the IDE several times, using different settings in the
>> build such
>>>> as building and cleaning all but the packages are never installed.
>>>> Odd.
>>> I down graded to 0.9.25 and it seems to load the packages correctly.
>> LOL.  Except that many of the regular components like DBControls are now gone
>> from the palette.
> If the rebuild of the IDE succeeded, then a new IDE executable was created.
> Maybe you started somehow the old executable. Do you use startlazarus to start
> the IDE or do you start ./lazarus directly?
> Where the new lazarus executable is created depends on whether you installed
> lazarus via package or as source in your home directory.

Hi Mattias,

I installed (this particular version) from binary installer then updated via svn 
(a while ago) and I use startlazarus.exe.

I think I might have to just scrap everything and reinstall lazarus fresh.  I'm 
running WinXP SP 3.

Thanks again,


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