[Lazarus] A new competitor to Lazarus and Free Pascal

Jon Bertrand JonB at cirris.com
Tue Nov 25 16:06:37 CET 2008

RealBasic has been around as long as I can remember.  I used it on the Amiga 25 years ago.

I know a guy who develops comercial software in RB.  Word is they "did a Borland" and let their quality really fall apart.  Now they are struggling to recover.

-----Original Message-----
From: lazarus-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org
[mailto:lazarus-bounces at lazarus.freepascal.org]On Behalf Of Graeme
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2008 7:39 AM
To: General mailing list
Subject: [Lazarus] A new competitor to Lazarus and Free Pascal

I never thought I would say this about the Basic language.... :-)
But Real Software has made a pretty impressive product called
REALBasic. When I read about this back in 2005, I didn't think they
would be around for long. But to my surprise, they have been hammering
away and improving REALBasic year-on-year. REALBasic overcomes many of
the limitations we know about VB6 and has some impressive features -
in the language and IDE. Including cross compiling for Linux, Windows
and Mac, plus it's very easy to install. It also comes with a build-in
profiler... See screen shot link.  Damn, it would be nice having such
a profiler for Free Pascal / Lazarus development tools. ;-)

REALBasic built-in profiler

REALBasic product

  - Graeme -

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