[Lazarus] Cross compiling a package woes..

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 17:53:26 CEST 2008

2008/10/1 Brad Campbell <brad at wasp.net.au>:
> G'day all,
> I'm using the latest FIXES_2.2 branch of FPC and lazarus svn from about 10 minutes ago.
> I usually compile lazarus from SVN, then compile again with
> make idepkg
> to get my packages included. It's worked for me thus far, but now I want to cross compile I can't
> figure out how to go about it.
> I'm cross compiling from linux-i386 to darwin-i386 / darwin-powerpc and win32-i386.
> All these I have working, and I can even cross compile lazarus itself to run on these platforms.
> When I want to use lazbuild to build my application I get this...
> brad at bkmac:~/devel/fpc/Projects/Pascal/SIDE$ ../../../lazarus/lazbuild --os=darwin --cpu=powerpc
> --ws=carbon BST.lpr
> TLazPackageGraph.CheckIfPackageNeedsCompilation  No state file for tv 0.0
> [TExternalToolList.Run] CmdLine="/opt/cross/bin/ppc386 -B  -MObjFPC -Sgi -O1 -Tdarwin -gl -vewnhi -l
> -Fu../packager/units/powerpc-darwin/ -Fu. -FUlib/powerpc-darwin/ tv.pas"

i don't know if lazbuild is clever enough to find the right compiler,
maybe you need to specify it with --compiler=/opt/cross/bin/ppcrossppc
(or whatever your powerpc compiler is called).


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