[Lazarus] solaris compilers?

Cesar P cesarpayro at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 10 20:41:18 CEST 2008

> Please create one thread per topic.
Sry, np. Next time i will..

>> -Is there an ide option to turn off the "auto complete" option of the
>> comboboxes in both the find dialogs. I keep searching for the wrong text
>> because of it ;) Would it be a problem if i adjusted it with a switch
>> via the editor options? Standard will be autocomplete=true.
> IMO it would be more intuive, if there is a speedbutton to the right of the
> combobox to turn it on/off.
I rather would have 1 simple setting for both the comboboxes in the find 
dialogs (and any other combobox which needs this behaviour). The good 
news is i already solved this (simple) one, just need to create the patch.
>> -What are the thought on having a combined "Find" and "Find in files"
>> dialog? How about a form with the findtext and replacetext on top and a
>> pagecontrol below with two tabs for the standard and find in files?
> They have different sizes. The find dialog is small and is positioned, so that
> the current line is still visible. This is not possible with the find in files
> dialog.
I know the forms have different sizes, it can be easely changed to fit 
both AFAICS. The find files dialog needs to be adjusted;  the "options" 
and "where" can be placed next to each other (horizontal) and then they 
are almost equally in size.
Btw; the placement of the find dialog is sometimes wrong, in this case 
the bottom of the find dialog is not visible (out of screen). I f this 
occurs i rather would have the dialog centered.

>> -Why is the default height of an edit these days 23 instead of 21, has
>> this changed recently? The edit(s) looks kind of large and weird having
>> that height. Is there any reason for this particulary height or is this
>> an issue in my lazarus instalation?
> Set Edit1.AutoSize=true to get the default height of the current platform.
I believe it was 21 on windows AFAICS. Its really no biggy, it just look 
weird and its a "lot" of work to adjust the edits.

>> -Would it be a problem to have a seperate IDE window for the structure
>> view instead of a fixed one in the object inspector. IMO the current
>> structure view is to small and it is also limiting the size of the
>> object explorer.
> At the moment you can only use the splitter between to change the size.
I know and i would like to adjust it by adding a structure window.

>> -I still see the same keyboard bugs in the objectinspector.
> Which ones?
1) Combo in the top. It is not sorted, it cannot be selected via 
ctrl-space (a standard shortcut in delphi), when the combo is finally 
down you cannot use the up and down arrow keys to select other 
components on the form (instead it closes the combo and goes to the next 
property), the pgup and pgdn keys work Ok.
2) When the combo is down and you have selected a component via 
pgup/pgdn you cannot select the component with enter.
3) Type ahead in the combo is not accepted (it is when its sorted though)
4) Properties with comboboxes can now be manually modified by just 
typing text in it. With Style=csDropDownList its much easier to enter 
the right value.

I had a patch in the past for the OI but it got lost somewhere in the 
dommelstein mailbox, i will create the changes again (not really a problem)

>> What is the best (and quickest) way to apply patches into lazarus these day's?
> Quick for you, or quick for the lazarus devels?
Would be nice if it was quick and easy for all ;)  The main reason i ask 
is because the previous patch on the OI was lost so i will not use the 
dommelstein mailbox again.

> A change to the keys/focusing of the OI must be tested on all platforms. Some
> platforms have restrictions, some have bugs.
Don't think my simple changes will require much testing, but since i 
only work on windows it cannot hurt either to test on other platforms.

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