[Lazarus] GLScene flickers in GTK2 and TJpegImage error

Reenen Laurie rlaurie at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 06:57:57 CEST 2008

> The other problem is using in GTK2, GLscene flickers horribly which
> didn't happened in 0.9.24 (can be checked with Volcano demo). What
> has changed in GTK2 for this to happen?

I also got that when I used gtk2, and I was under the impression that gtk2
is not 100% supported yet.

If I recall correctly, it flickers only when the cadencer is running, but I
may be wrong, it's been a while since I tested it.

,_.>/ _
...speed is good
I believe five out of four people have a problem with fractions.
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