[Lazarus] Initializing my App

Valdas Jankūnas zmuogs at gmail.com
Tue Oct 28 19:42:22 CET 2008

Dave Coventry rašė:
> Hi,
> How can I tell when my application has loaded and I can start
> initializing some of the form elements?
> At the moment I place all of the initialization routines in the
> FormCreate but quite often I get an 'external SIGSEHV' exception as
> the mouse generates a false onSelection event on a StringGrid,
> presumably because the StringGrid has yet to be fully loaded.

  If form is non modal then I do that in OnShow event, like this:

// when form appears
procedure TfrMain.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
   SHOWED_FIRST_TIME: Boolean=False;
     if (not SHOWED_FIRST_TIME) then begin

         // initializing


   Valdas Jankūnas

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