[Lazarus] Units missing

Dave Coventry dgcoventry at gmail.com
Fri Oct 31 08:08:56 CET 2008

On 30/10/2008, Mark Morgan Lloyd <markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
> Thanks Henry. I sorted out the gtk1 dependencies some while ago but in
> this case I'm specifically interested in gtk2, which is why I'm hesitant
> to simply splurge Debian's lazarus package onto the system.
> In part this goes back to the menu problem I mentioned a few days ago,
> the fact that this doesn't occur on gtk2 is a big incentive to migrate
> to it where possible.

i see.  i personally just tend to build a package and wait for ld to
spit out something like '-lsomelib not found', then i go and install
libsomelib-dev and try and build again.  it doesn't really take long,
since you don't have to make clean every time, so it will just link.
and lazarus doesn't depend on many packages anyway.

good luck


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