[Lazarus] Dear developers... TStream.ReadAnsiString

Osvaldo Filho arquivostcf at gmail.com
Sat Sep 6 23:56:40 CEST 2008

Thanks for all. Sorry my insistence.

Please see this code, it is original, it is in

See, here, line 161:
161+          GraphExt :=  s.ReadAnsiString;
My picture is a jpeg image saved on a firebird database.
GraphExt do not receive the extension as expected.
So, this code never executed becose gc is never assigned in
"gc := GetGraphicClassForFileExtension(GraphExt);":

          if assigned(gc) then            begin            AGraphic :=
gc.Create;            AGraphic.LoadFromStream(s);
            Picture.Assign(AGraphic);            end;


88132 procedure TDBImage.LoadPicture; [image:
  134+var s        : Tstream;   135+    GraphExt : string;   136+
gc       : TGraphicClass;   137+    AGraphic : TGraphic;   138+
89139 begin [image:
90 -  if not FPictureLoaded  91 -  and (not Assigned(FDataLink.Field) or
FDataLink.Field.IsBlob) then  92 -    Picture.Assign(FDataLink.Field);   140
+  if not FPictureLoaded then   141+    begin   142+    FUpdatingRecord :=
True;   143+    if not assigned(FDatalink.Field) then
Picture.Assign(FDatalink.Field)   144+    else   145+    if
FDatalink.field.IsBlob then   146+      begin   147+      if FDatalink.field
is TBlobField then   148+        begin   149+        if
FDatalink.Field.IsNull then   150+          begin   151+
Picture.Clear;   152+          exit;   153+          end;   154+        s :=
FDataLink.DataSet.CreateBlobStream(FDataLink.Field,bmRead);   155+        if
s.Size = 0 then   156+          begin   157+          Picture.Clear;
exit;   159+          end;   160+        try   161+          GraphExt :=
s.ReadAnsiString;   162+
  163+          gc := GetGraphicClassForFileExtension(GraphExt);
if assigned(gc) then   165+            begin   166+            AGraphic :=
gc.Create;   167+            AGraphic.LoadFromStream(s);   168+
  169+            Picture.Assign(AGraphic);   170+            end;
finally   172+          if assigned(AGraphic) then AGraphic.Free;
s.Free;   174+        end {try}   175+
  176+        end   177+      else   178+
Picture.Assign(FDataLink.FField);   179+          180+      end;   181+
FUpdatingRecord := False;   182+    end;
93183 end;  94184


2008/9/6 Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho <felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com>

> If you want to convert raw data to a string you should assign the
> stream holding the data to a TStringStream.
> ReadAnsiString can only read data written with WriteAnsiString (or if
> you took care to imitate it's format).
> --
> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
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