[Lazarus] r16541 doesn't show about box

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Thu Sep 11 19:09:19 CEST 2008

En/na Mattias Gärtner ha escrit:
> Zitat von Luca Olivetti <luca at wetron.es>:
>> I'm currently under linux.
>> After a "make clean bigide LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2" it does show the about box
>> no problem, but once I build the ide with my components (either from
>> inside the ide or with "./lazbuild -B --build-ide= --widgetset=gtk2")
>> this is what I get:
> What FPC version?

fpc 2.2.2 - linux

> What are your components?

     <Item0 ID="synapse 0.0"/>
           (this is a wrapper package I made just to set the path for 
its units)
     <Item1 ID="FCL 1.0"/>
     <Item2 ID="CodeTools 1.0"/>
     <Item3 ID="LCL 1.0"/>
     <Item4 ID="Printer4Lazarus 0.5"/>
     <Item5 ID="cgiLaz 0.1.1"/>
     <Item6 ID="SDFLaz 0.1.1"/>
     <Item7 ID="TurboPowerIPro 1.0"/>
     <Item8 ID="TAChartLazarusPkg 0.0"/>
     <Item9 ID="rx 1.0"/>
     <Item10 ID="lazcustom 1.0"/>
           (same as for synapse but for my custom units)
     <Item11 ID="IDEIntf 1.0"/>
     <Item12 ID="SynEdit 1.0"/>
     <Item13 ID="RunTimeTypeInfoControls 0.1"/>
     <Item14 ID="printers4lazide 0.0"/>
     <Item15 ID="CGILazIDE 0.0"/>
     <Item16 ID="MemDSLaz 1.2.1"/>
     <Item17 ID="fpcunitide 0.1"/>
     <Item18 ID="ProjTemplates 1.0"/>
     <Item19 ID="SQLDBLaz 1.0.1"/>
     <Item20 ID="DBFLaz 0.1.1"/>
     <Item21 ID="RackCtlsPkg 1.20.2"/>
     <Item22 ID="lazreport 0.9.5"/>
     <Item23 ID="sqlite3laz 0.3"/>
     <Item24 ID="SynUni 1.0"/>
     <Item25 ID="lazdaemon 0.9.9"/>
     <Item26 ID="zcomponent 6.6.3"/>

Didn't have a problem with the previous version I checked out (16291)

> Does this happen only on the about dialog or some other dialogs too?

Only wth the about dialog (that's the first one I tried just to see if 
lazbuild worked).

> Can the newly built IDE open the ide/aboutfrm.pas and open the designer form?

Yes, it can.

BTW, I just updated to 16547 and it does the same :-(

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A. http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004      Fax +34 93 5883007

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