[Lazarus] TMS component for lazarus released

A.J. Venter aj at outkastsolutions.co.za
Wed Sep 17 17:00:16 CEST 2008

> Umm, does that also means that the commercial component writers would
> have to *always* sell you the full source code?  I guess this is not
> so bad, we always bought delphi components that included full source
> code.

Just out of curiousity,
What if a component developer were to put only the interface part of his units 
in the unit, and write a library that contains the implementation (much like 
Borland used to ship units like CRT back in the Turbo Pascal days), then use 
FP/Laz's ability to link to libraries to access the actual methods etc.
The class structures and such are all in the interface section anyway, letting 
the method implementations call to external functions couldn't be that hard. 

That would probably meet their needs quite well and work within the operation 
of the Lazarus IDE. We don't recompile GTK when we rebuild the GTK LCL - in 
much the same way, shipping  the actual implementations as an so or dll that 
gets linked from the component shouldn't be hard and should work pretty much 
everywhere, even when recompiling the IDE.

Thoughts ?


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