[Lazarus] Regression in IDE reported.

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Sep 23 21:52:01 CEST 2008


Please disregard the previous post.

I was trying to start the script by using the path to the script.

When I cd to the script's directory and run 'sh install.sh', it works
as expected...


2008/9/22 Dave Coventry <dgcoventry at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to install Lazarus/FPC on a laptop that I've put Slax onto.
> I've downloaded
> 'ftp://ftp.freepascal.org/pub/fpc/dist/i386-linux-2.2.2/fpc-2.2.2.i386-linux.tar'
> (all 30 Meg) untarred it and run the 'install.sh' script.
> I get the following error:
> #No native FPC found.
> #For a proper installation of a cross FPC the installation of a native
> FPC is required.
> Typing 'arch' returns 'i686'.
> I've googled extensively to find the solution, and have turned up a
> 2007 thread in which Graeme Geldenhuis had a similar problem, but the
> thread ended without a satisfactory conclusion...

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