[Lazarus] can't compile GTK2 program with lazarus 0.9.26-2

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 16:12:07 CEST 2009

On 4/3/09, 闫程远 <yanchengyuan at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all!i've upgraded my lazarus to 0.9.26-2 from the official deb
> source.when i compile a program with GTK2,lazarus warns me that it cannot
> find "gtk2int.pas" used by interface.
> my fpc version is 2.2.2-8,also installed from the official deb source.can
> any body help me?

First thoughts...

Did you compile Lazarus 0.9.26 from source?
If so, did you build the IDE for gtk1, if sou you need to also build
the lcl for gtk2:
make lcl LCL_PLATFORM = gtk2
Also make sure the path to fpc (Environment options) is set to the
correct fpc version.


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