[Lazarus] USB Commincation with Lazarus and libusb library

Henry Vermaak henry.vermaak at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 15:08:11 CEST 2009

2009/4/8 Henry Vermaak <henry.vermaak at gmail.com>:
> 2009/4/8 Sébastien FLOURETTE <sebastien.flourette at gmail.com>:
>> I try that you tell me but the result is not good.
> so what was the result of the libusb test program in c?  do you have
> permissions to use the device?
>> Have you got an example of use libusb on Lazarus. Perhaps I have a
>> parameters or other is not good.
>> If you have can you send me it.
> i already pasted the relevant code, there's nothing else that's
> different in my code.  it works for me in linux.
> you might have to make a test program in c and ask for help on the libusb list.
> henry

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