[Lazarus] revision numbers of each SVN tag?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 15:45:15 CEST 2009

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Vincent Snijders
<vincent.snijders at gmail.com> wrote:
> To me it feels bad, that in your proposal a release is *always* build
> from a branch and not from a tag.

Why? You guys just said that tags and branches are the same thing?
Lets take the 0.9.26 release of Lazarus.

How I see the workflow (note I have no idea how you guys really did
the 0.9.26.x point releases):

* create branch 0.9.26 (copy of trunk)
* start the release process.
* 2 months later all release builders are happy. now tag that branch
as "release-0.9.26"
* trunk development continues
* We found some bugs in 0.9.26 release, so we backport some patch to
0.9.26 branch.
* 2 months later all release builders are happy with newly fixed
0.9.26 branch. Now tag it as "release-". This denotes a point
release because it builds on top of the previous 0.9.26 release.

> In my / our current work flow, it is almost always created from a
> 'real' (never changed) tag and only in exceptional circumstances from
> a tag directory to which a commit has been made.

OK, under Lazarus's repository I understand that patches to tags are
not the norm. It seems only the last few releases of Lazarus was
affected by the exceptional circumstances.

Either way, I said what I had to say and created a few tags in the Git
mirror, so I consider this thread done.  We all agree to disagree on
how tags and branches should be used in SubVersion.

  - Graeme -

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