[Lazarus] Mac OS X : Drag n Drop within TListBox not working correctly..

dominique at savagesoftwaresolutions.com dominique at savagesoftwaresolutions.com
Sun Aug 2 22:42:59 CEST 2009

Hi all,
  If I 
1. create a new application
2. Drop a TListBox on the form
3. Set DragMode on the Listbox to dmAutomatic.
4. Hook up events for OnDragOver and OnDragDrop

The events in step 4 never fire.

On the other hand The StartDrag and EngDrag events fire regard less of if
the Mode is dmAutomatic or not. It has been a while since I did any DnD in
Delphi, but I thought that StartDrag and EngDrag only fire if the DragMode
is dmManual. Also the StartDrag and EngDrag event fire on click. NOT on
mousedown and not after the mouse has moved a little. They both seem to
fire immediately on clicking on an item in the ListBox.
Any way you cook it, it does not seem to be working correctly.

Anyone else seeing this? Should I Mantis it?

Dominique Louis.

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