[Lazarus] new edit icon in gutter?

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 4 22:04:28 CEST 2009

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> See here
>> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/New_IDE_features_since#Syncron-Edit
> By the way, that feature could not have come at a better time!! I'm 
> busy porting our company test suite from FPCUnit to DUnit2 - a very 
> tedious job. I have to change thousands of AssertEquals(..) to 
> CheckEquals(..) and then reorder the parameters. Search and Replace 
> could work, but this is so much better because I can clearly see which 
> methods I need to reorder the parameters for on a screen by screen basis.
Maybe you know, maybe not, anyway, just a tip.

Reordering params, etc: I often use regular-expesion search. (needs a 
bit of experience)

AssetEquals('some text', foo <> b, bar);

now assuming there are no comma in the boolean expression (a in [1,2]), 
and no escaped quotes( '' ) in the text:
( including various " *" to skip spaces)

match: AssertEquals\( *('.*?'), *(.*?), *(.*?)\);
replace: CheckEquals($2, $3, $1);

I use No-Confirmation, replace single instance => and use F3, so I see 
each replacement as it was done.

Additionally you can use "alt-m" while being on a word, to keep this 
word highlighted, even if you move the cursor away.

Best Regards

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