[Lazarus] programmer / project statistics

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Thu Aug 6 23:13:45 CEST 2009

Mattias Gaertner schrieb:

>> I would think that 'poor fingers' is more appropriate. 
>> RSI is a common ail for programmers...
> Indeed.
> With some typing statistics the IDE could suggest code templates and
> short cuts.

Shortcuts are for people who never learned to use a keyboard for 
writing. Those people may have problems with their fingers due to their 
inappropriate use, too many key-combinations, too frequently switching 
between keyboard and mouse, etc. I've had RSI problems twice, about 40 
years ago with a mechanical typewriter. After I improved my keying 
thechnique, they never came back again.

I also learned to distrust "ergonomical" designs, in detail as ad-ons. 
They tend to help their producers more than their users. Even some 
ergonomic standards seem not to apply to many people. A bright working 
place and not so bright displays, with black characters on white 
background, are most comfortable to my eyes.

I don't say that all other people must agree with my experience, but 
nobody can convince me to use laptop/notebook keyboards, touchscreens or 
reversed color schemes for everydays work.


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