[Lazarus] programmer / project statistics

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Fri Aug 7 09:47:56 CEST 2009

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Shortcuts are for people who never learned to use a keyboard for 
> writing.

I don't understand this statement. I touch type and use shortcuts a lot. 
I find it quicker for certain things that moving your hand over to the 
mouse and then back to the keyboard - I loose my type rhythm in such cases.

> between keyboard and mouse, etc. I've had RSI problems twice, about 40 
> years ago with a mechanical typewriter. After I improved my keying 
> thechnique, they never came back again.

More typists and programmers should really look at Dvorak!

The Qwerty layout was designed for the mechanical typewriter so the 
heads don't jam for fast typists. Dvorak on the other hand was 
specifically designed for the human being to improve typing speed 
accuracy and MUCH less typing fatigue. Typing is now balanced between 
both hands and the stronger fingers do more typing. The home row is used 
much more often as well.

Dvorak even has Left and Right one-handed layouts for disabled people.

I switched a few years ago and it took me about a week to get to the 
same speed I was at using Qwerty and to feel comfortable with Dvorak. I 
have now surpassed that speed by far, typing in the range of 80-100 wpm 
on average with 99% accuracy. Once you know how to touch type, it is 
much easier and faster to switch to a new layout, that when you learned 
to touch type the first time. BTW: I don't have any special Dvorak 
keyboards, I simply switch the layout via software.

Programmer Dvorak

Standard Dvorak

And after my repeated requests to Ubuntu, Programmer Dvorak is now an 
included keyboard layout since Ubuntu 8.10. :-)

   - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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