[Lazarus] New version of Excel Interface unit available

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Thu Aug 27 00:20:10 CEST 2009

Thierry Coq escreveu:
> Yes, there are several alternatives now to read/write spreadsheets:
> a) - using CSV files,
> b) - using XML files,
> c) - using FPSpreadsheet,
> d) - now using ExcelInterface.
> Unlike a) and b) ExcelInterface controls Excel directly using the COM 
> interface, so the interaction with the Excel program is immediate: 
> formulas can be written and and evaluated automatically by the Excel 
> solver, the user can input data with Excel filled-in spreadsheets, the 
> format itself is rendered immediately, moving shapes also move 
> connectors automatically. It also requires less manual work from the 
> end-user.
> Unlike c) ExcelInterface provides many additional facilities in 
> addition to the cells and values: formulas, formats, comments, shapes, 
> diagrams, etc. and works on many Excel versions.
> ExcelInterface brings the power of Excel to FPC and Lazarus as a sort 
> of additional external component.
> In the future, I hope to add a similar interface to link to 
> OpenOffice, so as:
> - to have the same interface to generate either OpenOffice or Excel 
> spreadsheets,
> - to be able to run the interface on Linux. 

There's http://sourceforge.net/projects/uno-pas-bridge/ . The svn 
version is running under Linux and Windows. What's missing is updated 
instruction how to install on Linux and Windows since is not straight


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