[Lazarus] LCLIntf.pas Documentation

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk sanliturk at ttmail.com
Tue Dec 1 10:03:07 CET 2009

David Emerson wrote:
> All was working great for a while, but now one of my projects has 
> decided that it cannot find one of the units that is part of the 

Can you open the package and double click on the unit in question in
that package window? Does it find it and open correctly in the IDE? I
often found that I might have manually renamed a unit (Linux case
sensitive can cause unexpected results). The package compiles fine, but
I experienced the same issues as you. Then when I tried to open that
unit, package says it cannot find it. It seems the old .ppu file fooled
the package for a long while.

Clear you unit output directory by deleting all *.ppu, *.o and *.a files
and recompile the package - it should then complain if it can't find a unit.

Old *.ppu files can be a real evil sometimes.

Other than that, I fully agree with you about Packages. To me, they are
the single most handy feature in Lazarus IDE!

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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