[Lazarus] error compiling codehelp.pas in fixes_0_9_28

Seth Grover sethdgrover at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 14:44:51 CET 2009

On Tue, 01 Dec 2009 14:11:32 +0200
Graeme Geldenhuys <graeme at mastermaths.co.za> wrote:

> Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > 
> > Why do you rename it?
> > I guess with 'stable' lazarus a 0.9.28 plus stable packages and the
> > unstable is the 0.9.29 plus unstable packages, right?
> I use both from inside the same /opt/lazarus/ directory. I do not binary
> install Lazarus in any other directory. So when I switch branches (I'm
> using Git repository), the directory doesn't change either. So no
> separate lazarus directories for different versions of source code
> (branches) either.
> My use-case is probably different to most, because I don't use the LCL,
> other than to compile the IDE. So between rebuilds I do a 'clean all'
> before I build stable and unstable executables. The executables can run
> on there own (very usable) without the need of correctly versioned *.ppu
> files.

Why not use a symlink?
/opt/lazarus-stable -> /opt/lazarus

> >> Can I override the default executable name ('lazarus') to something else?
> > 
> > No.
> > It would make startlazarus job hard to find the right executable and
> > give advice when something went wrong.
> OK. What is the actual point of 'startlazarus'? I never use it. I always
> launch Lazarus directly from the 'lazarus' executable.

Finding the right lazarus executable, starting and restarting lazarus.
On windows, the system with the exe lock, it additionally juggle the


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