[Lazarus] QT bindings as defalt (was Release 1.0, part 2)

Phil Hess macpgmr at fastermac.net
Tue Dec 1 17:20:12 CET 2009

One of the points about Orpheus and other ported packages that I should probably make is that I've been in contact with Roman Kassebaum who maintains the Orpheus SourceForge projects and recently updated Orpheus for Unicode on Delphi 2009/2010. We've discussed possibly merging our codebases and also possibly trying to support DelphiX when/if it's released.

Fortunately since I maintained full Delphi compatibility in my port, that should make merging a bit easier. But I have to say that Roman was quite dismayed to learn that ports of many other packages that he uses were done as one-way ports to Lazarus, leaving Delphi compatibility behind. I could sense his interest in Lazarus quickly dissipating.

Roman's largest app is 2.3 million lines of code! I've been encouraging him to see how much of it he can get compiled with Lazarus, not so much to offer the app on other platforms, but as a way of further testing his code and expanding his world (in the U.S., engineers call this sort of effort a "skunkworks" project - historically lots of great original things come out of those). This would also be a good test of Lazarus. But if the other packages have changed significantly from their Delphi sources, then this might be difficult for him to do.



----- "Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho" <felipemonteiro.carvalho at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 1:24 PM, Phil Hess <macpgmr at fastermac.net>
> wrote:
> > Good point, although if you recall the history of this port, it
> started with the only two widgetsets that worked back then: win32 and
> gtk1 - the others just came along for the ride. I'm not even sure that
> LCLWin32 was defined back when I started.
> I would bet they were already defined, they are extremely old.
> > Does anyone use Qt on Windows though? That doesn't make sense to me.
> Why put another layer on top of Windows when win32 works quite well?
> And without any auxiliary libraries.
> Less work to port between LCL platforms. If you use LCL-Qt in all
> platforms your port effort between them is minimal (if necessary),
> both because you are using the same LCL-Qt codebase instead of
> multiple widgetset codes with various states of supported components
> and because Qt is not a native toolkit, it just looks native but has
> custom painting which helps it be very consistent across platforms.
> -- 
> Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
> --
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