[Lazarus] finding libmysqlclient

Chris Jennings cjvanbc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 3 03:44:46 CET 2009

Hi All 

I am new to Lazarus and having a few problems with whatelse seems to be 
an excellent development environment. I have past experience with Delphi 
and am hoping to be able to use Lazarus for a major upcomming open 
source project.

Today I have everything (fpc-2.2.5 / lazarus- / 
zeos-6.6.5-stable) all working under XP

With Fedora 11 (fpc-2.2.2 / lazarus- / zeos-6.6.5-stable) (I am 
using slightly older versions that distribute with Fedora because I had 
some compilation problems with the latest packages)

when I try to set the connected property for the zeos Zconnected 
component to true, I get an error saying that the libmysqlclient.15.so 
amd libmysqlclient.so cannot be found. These libs are installed under 

I have tied to use the shell path commands to export this PATH and find 
no change.

How do I tell either fpc or lazarus or zeos where these libs are? I have 
looked at the lazarus environment options and do not see an area to make 
this change.

Thanks for any help


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