[Lazarus] VoIP / SIP communication initiated from LCL apps | OFFTOPIC

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 23:52:25 CET 2009

2009/12/8 Helmut Hartl <helmut.hartl at firmos.at>:
> This seems you want to do 3rd party call control of a SIP device.

Yes, I simply want to initiate a call from inside our application. The
rest is then handled by the actual SIP device or VoIP application.

>> I know Skype has a public API, but I haven't looked into it yet. I
>> thought I would ask here first.
> Skype has no direct relation to SIP ?

True, it uses some proprietary protocol for VoIP. But I did take a
brief look at the API. They do allow 3rd party software to control the
Skype client (eg: adding a contact, changing the online status,
initiating a call, etc.)

Skype seems to be quite popular (I'm not really into such chatting
apps much) and it seems to do what we need. Simply initiate a call. We
don't really need anything fancy like call-routing, PBX etc. We simply
want to add a "value-add feature" to our product. We are a franchise
business, so maybe we can add a link to the Help menu that says "Call
Head-Office via VoIP for support", or call a client if they have a
Skype or SIP account etc.

So it's just a "nice to have" feature really. We can control there
installations, so would could mention Skype as an option to them. But
before we do anything, I obviously need to research the topic a bit

We already do something similar with SMS services, where they can SMS
clients directly from our software regarding outstanding money or any
specials etc. We use a online SMS service located in South Africa.
Just another little "value-add" feature.

> and the actual use case. What SIP Proxy / devices do you intend
> to  use ? (e.g. SNOM / Granstream phones, Freeswitch, Astersisk,
> OpenSER, SER, proprietary solutions )

This sounds more complicated to what we intended. As I said, I need to
research the subject a bit more before we decide to implement

Thank you very much for you reply. You mentioned some interesting
things, that will give me something to research.

  - Graeme -

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