[Lazarus] Lazarus is not installable in FreeBSD 7.2 or 8.0

Helmut Hartl helmut.hartl at firmos.at
Fri Dec 11 16:58:49 CET 2009

Am 11.12.2009 12:21, schrieb Mehmet Erol Sanliturk:
> Dear Lazarus Developers ,
> As of today ( 2009-December-11 ) , Lazarus is not available as an 
> installable package in no one of the following pages :
> ...

I use Lazarus and FPC on FreeBSD 8/7.2 32 bit  heavily (64 bit
IMHO ATM the best way is to use lazarus svn checkouts
(the fixes and trunk versions work very well) with the downloadable
 release candidate of FPC 2.4 . I would not hold my breath until someone
updates the ports ...

Note that you have to use "gmake" (gnu make not the BSD make utility).

Steps: (from memory)
1) Download fpc 2.4rc1, unpack, ./install.sh
2) svn co lazarus (trunk or branch)
3) gmake all
4) ./lazarus


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