[Lazarus] Help getting Lazarus to work under Fedora 11 /w mySQL 5.1

Chris Jennings cjvanbc at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 04:50:59 CET 2009

2009/12/12 Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
>> ~/lazarus/$ sudo make clean all CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=linux
>> PP=/usr/local/bin/ppcarm OPT="-FU/usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/units/arm-linux/"
> This puts all ppu files to /usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/units/arm-linux/.
> Normally every project/package has it's own directory for its ppu
> files. But now you have mixed them all up, which means all
> documentation don't work for you. You can proceed if you know what you
> are doing, or remove all files in this directory and restart.

Ummm... sincerely I don't know very well what I'm doing... there are
very few examples in web, so I tried some things that I find in
similar threads.
However ok, I'm going to remove and re-unpack all sources, but what is
the command I need to do to preserve "every project/package in its own
directory for its ppu files"?

> You forgot to install the X11 libraries for arm.
> LCL applications also needs the gtk2 libraries.

Umm... I can't find in synaptic/repository/other (maybe, do I need to
compile by fpc?)... now I'm trying to grab these libs from my arm

> The gtk2 must be written small (LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2).
> You should have done in the first place instead of the above with
> the -FU option.
> But since you have already compiled the lcl and put its ppu files
> into a global directory you are out of luck.

So, in a new/clear installation, after I have FPC that cross compile
for arm-linux and before to compile first time Lazarus from sources,
what do I need to do?

What I understand:

1) Compile Lazarus for the host.
2) /lazarus$ make lcl LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2 PP=ppcarm CPU_TARGET=arm OS_TARGET=linux
3) /lazarus/packager/registration/$ make PP=ppcarm CPU_TARGET=arm
4) ?

Thank you!


PS I'm sorry if I don't understand, but I find just few examples in
how to use these commands...

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