[Lazarus] [Partially Solved] Cross Compile for arm-linux
antispammoni at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 14:49:51 CET 2009
2009/12/12 Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de>:
Thank you very much, Mattias. You are very gentle.
> This is automatically done by the IDE.
> Just start the IDE in a terminal, compile a package normally and see
> what it does.
> I wrote a few hints here:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Cross_compiling#Cross_compiling_the_LCL
Well, FPC compile right for my device:
Nokia-N900-42-11:/home/opt/KjowProject/Test01# ./test
DATE 2009/12/12
But Lazarus Projects still have some problems. I'm restarted from a
new fresh ubuntu installation, so I reinstalled fpc, binutils (both
from latest source snaphot) and enabled fpc to cross compile for
arm-linux. All ok.
Then compiled Lazarus with classic: ~/lazarus$ make clean all
All ok.
Then I followed you wiki-instructions and compiled LCL+Package
registration from Lazarus IDE. All OK.
I tried to build a simple form, but I got this error:
intfgraphics.pas(609,45) Hint: Parameter "Img" not used
intfgraphics.pas(653,19) Hint: Local type "PFPColorBytes" is not used
intfgraphics.pas(34,70) Hint: Unit "FPCAdds" not used in IntfGraphics
Assembling intfgraphics
Compiling /home/kjow/lazarus/lcl/imglist.pp
Compiling /home/kjow/lazarus/lcl/lclclasses.pp
PPU Loading /home/kjow/lazarus/lcl/units/arm-linux/wslclclasses.ppu
PPU Source: wslclclasses.pp not found
Recompiling WSLCLClasses, checksum changed for LCLProc
wslclclasses.pp(32,56) Fatal: Can't find unit WSLCLClasses used by LCLClasses
GetMsgLineFilename Filename
"/home/kjow/dev/TestARM/LazARM/wslclclasses.pp" not found.
Trying by console, I get:
~/dev/TestARM/LazARM$ fpc -Tlinux -Parm LAzARM.lpr
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2009/12/12] for arm
Copyright (c) 1993-2009 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for ARM
Compiling LAzARM.lpr
Fatal: Can't find unit Interfaces used by LAzARM
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppcarm returned an error exitcode (normal if you
did not specify a source file to be compiled)
Where am I in wrong?
> Install the cross compiled libraries for arm. I never did that so I
> can't give any hints here.
Ok, thank you! I'll try to find it/grab from device.
Thank you very much for support!
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