[Lazarus] ExtPascal - Any one has an opensource system?

Osvaldo Filho arquivostcf at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 23:42:19 CET 2009

2009/12/14 Dariusz Mazur <darekm at emadar.com>:
> did you compile FPC and libcross with the same binutils?
> how you made crossppcarm ?
> to read EABI version you may use
> readelf -a ./linX11.so.

I started from latest sources and compiled binutils, fpc and lazarus
myselft in a fresh ubuntu installation, but target libraries aren't my
work. I grabbed its by other system (I can't find other ways to use

Maybe I understood a thing, I need to recompile everything
(lazarus/fpc) with assembler options: -meabi=5

I'm going to try!

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