[Lazarus] Issue 15351 - Screen.Cursor from a TGroupBox fails (GTK2)

Alexsander Rosa alexsander.rosa at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 15:09:29 CET 2009

I'm looking for a solution for this, it seems the actual cursor change
occurs here:

*$LAZHOME/lcl/interfaces/gtk/gtkwinapi.inc (function

Am I correct? The function SetCursor() has a few internal functions.
Why is there both a SetGlobalCursor() and a ResetGlobalCursor()?
SetGlobalCursor() seems to be more straightforward than ResetGlobalCursor().
In theory we could always use SetGlobalCursor(), even when it's the default,
Maybe there's some extra stuff that need to be done when the cursor is

If this code is correct, maybe the problem (assuming there's a problem) is
in TGroupBox.
Maybe it's not being visited in that traversing loop at ResetGlobalCursor()
for some reason.

PS: Should I add this to the bug report as a note?

2009/12/15 Alexsander Rosa <alexsander.rosa at gmail.com>

> Screen.Cursor from INSIDE a TGroupBox fails
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=15351
> 1. Create a new project (on Linux Ubuntu 9.04)
> 2. Place a TGroupBox anywhere
> 3. Place a TButton inside the TGroupBox
> 4. Copy the following code into TButton.Click
>   Screen.Cursor := crSQLWait;
>   Application.ProcessMessages;
>   Sleep(1000);
>   Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
>   Application.ProcessMessages;
>   Sleep(1000);
>   Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
>   Application.ProcessMessages;
> 5. Run the project, click the button. The cursor will change from crSQLWait
> to crHourGlass, then to crDefault. Now move the cursor around the form:
> while inside the GroupBox (but outside the Button) the cursor will be
> crHourGlass; in all other areas of the form it will be the crDefault.
> PS: The bug report includes a complete example (small project).

Alexsander da Rosa
Linux User #113925

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