[Lazarus] Anchor editor + themes

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Dec 18 14:37:26 CET 2009

Zitat von Juha Manninen <juha.manninen at phnet.fi>:

> [...]
> If not, then something else should be done to the build dialog. It  
> is just not good GUI design now.
> Who decides? I understood that nobody saw any fundamental problem with my
> Build Profiles, disagreements were about the GUI.

I will apply it if the gui problems are solved.

Speaking for myself: I use the dialog sometimes a hundred times a day  
and so I need a quick frontend where I can quickly set what to build  
and define the options. I don't care where the buttons are placed or  
if the widgetset is a combobox. But all options should be on one  
page/panel/control. Profiles will not help me much. Of course this  
page could be hidden by default.

I'm not sure what the best frontend is for others. Many will probably  
just use it for a clean rebuild after svn update, cross compiling the  
LCL or building the qt IDE. Cross compiling the LCL will be eventually  
done automatically by the IDE, so windows/mac users just need a  
function to rebuild the IDE clean (with or without packages).
That's why I think most users will not use profiles and therefore the  
frontend for the profiles should be less prominent. In other words:  
When you show the dialog the first time it should not start with  
buttons to create/delete profiles, but with controls to compile the  

just my 2 cents.


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