[Lazarus] TTestSuite

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 16:23:12 CET 2009

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> wrote:
> Something like this:
> MainTestSuite       <---- Test Suite
> --SubTestSuite      <---- Child Test Suite
> ----TestCase1       <---- A Test case under a TestSuite
> ----TestCase2       <---- A Test case under a TestSuite
> --SubTestSuite2
> ----TestCase3
> ----TestCase4

I would normally do the following...

------------[ unit1.pas ]------------

  TTestSuite1 = class(TTestCase)
     procedure TestCase1;
     procedure TestCase2;

  RegisterTest('Main Test Suite', TTestSuite1);

------------[ unit2.pas ]------------

  TTestSuite2 = class(TTestCase)
     procedure TestCase1;
     procedure TestCase2;
     procedure TestCase3;
     procedure TestCase4;

  RegisterTest('Main Test Suite', TTestSuite2);

Which will give you the following hierarchy:

Main Test Suite       <---- Test Suite
 --TTestSuite1      <---- Child Test Suite
 ----TestCase1       <---- A Test case under a TestSuite
 ----TestCase2       <---- A Test case under a TestSuite

> Also, must I override the protected Getters for the TestSuiteName, etc. ?

No, you can normally pass them in as a parameter when they are
registered.  If you want a more complex hierarchy, that is also
possible. I use more layers by using test decorators.

Also have a look at the tiFPCUnitUtils.pas unit in tiOPF. It can
create a more complex hierarchy with much less effort.  Some of that
code could probably move to FPC itself.

  - Graeme -

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