[Lazarus] Lazarus SVN on linux and virtual box WinXP

Reenen Laurie rlaurie at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 18:44:19 CET 2009

Great! I am quite excited about the prospect. In terms of the fpc
where is it located? Locally on the xp and linux machines?

Regards -Reenen

On 2/12/09, Lukas Gradl <fpc at ssn.at> wrote:
> Reenen Laurie schrieb:
>> Hi all,
>> I have my Lazarus SVN that I have for Ubuntu.
>> A while ago I installed Virtual box and WinXP.  I want to know if it's
>> possible for me to keep my Virtual box's Lazarus updated from the SVN
>> updates I do via linux?
>> I don't think it's 100% possible to share the source, but hope that I
>> can keep my versions fairly the same...
>> Are any of you doing this, or something similar?
> Reenen,
> I'm working with one SVN-Copy of Lazarus on a Linux-Server.
> This server is accessed by a linux-workstation and a winxp-workstation.
> Both Systems use the same Source without any problems - but I've to
> admit, that I use the WinXP-Systems for bugfixing and compilation only -
> the main development is done on the Linux-System.
> Only thing I've to take care of is the recompilation of Lazarus itself -
> I never start it on both systems simultanously...
> Hope that helps
> Lukas
> --
> ----------------------------
> software security networks
> Lukas Gradl <fpc#ssn.at>
> Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 9
> A - 6020 Innsbruck
> Tel: +43-720-300168-0
> Fax: +43-512-341033-19
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