[Lazarus] Lazarus SVN on linux and virtual box WinXP

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 08:12:26 CET 2009

2009/2/12 Reenen Laurie <rlaurie at gmail.com>:
> Would you think it's possible to run (and compile) lazarus on both linux and
> windows from the same shared drive?  (Because yes, Virtual Box has it).

Yes it will work. All "unit" directories contain the compiled platform
directories inside them. eg: <laz>/lcl/units/i386-linux  or

So the compiled units will not overwrite each other or interfere with
each other.  As for the compiler, Lukas explained how to install that,
using the INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> parameter.
  Linux:   /opt/fpc-2.2.3
                 /src        <-- svn checkout
                 /src        <-- svn checkout
              /opt/fpc          <-- symlink to whatever version I want
the default

                 \src        <-- svn checkout or exported version from Linux
                 \src        <-- svn checkout or exported version from Linux

Like I said, I like to have a self-contained VM session for the larger
projects like Lazarus or FPC. If I move the VM session, those must
still work. For smaller projects, I share the code like fpGUI Toolkit.
 If I work from a different host, it's quick to 'svn co ...' the
smaller projects inside the VM session.

I have a development VM session for Linux as well. This serves as a
backup in case my development PC breaks. I can then move to a temp PC,
start up the VM session (Windows or Linux) and continue working while
the IT department orders me that brand new Quad Core machine. :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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