[Lazarus] Zipfiles using Paszlib...

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sun Feb 15 02:36:38 CET 2009

Sergei Gorelkin wrote:
> Lee Jenkins wrote:
>> I'm confused.  Does TZipper produce pkZIP compatible files or is it zlib based 
>> and only called TZipper?
> Yes, it produces pkZIP compatible files and yes, it uses zlib for 
> compression.
> .zip file format deals only with overall archive file structure 
> (headers, directories, etc). Each individual file within .zip archive 
> may be compressed using its own method, or even not compressed at all.
> The most popular compression format used in .zip files is 'deflate', 
> which is handled perfectly well with zlib. The difference with .gz 
> format is only that compressed stream is written without .gz header.

Thanks for that, Sergei.  I wasn't aware of that and thought that they used 
incompatible compression algorithms.

Thanks again,

Warm Regards,


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