[Lazarus] Examples of IniPropStorage?
David W Noon
david.w.noon at ntlworld.com
Sat Feb 21 21:27:02 CET 2009
On Sat, 2009-02-21 at 19:06 +0100, Luca Olivetti wrote:
> En/na David W Noon ha escrit:
> > If there are none, could somebody please give me a quick sample they
> > have knocked up for their own use? Thanks in advance.
> Drop a TIniPropStorage on the form, let's call it FormStorage.
> Put all properties you want to preserve in the form SessionProperties
> (there's a nice dialog to add what you want).
> If you know beforehand the location of the .ini file, just set it in the
> TIniPropstorage at design time, otherwise assign it in FormCreate.
> Also in FormCreate call restore.
> When you want to save, just call save, e.g.:
> procedure TSettingsForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> FormStorage.IniFileName:=SettingsFilename;
> FormStorage.Restore;
> end;
> procedure TFormAjustes.SaveButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> FormStorage.Save;
> end;
Thanks for that, Luca. The code is putting me in the right direction.
Now, how do I actually extract key/value pairs from it and store
key/value pairs into it? The only property I have found that looks
likely is the StoredValues collection, but this is too kludgey to be
true, e.g.:
Name_field.Text := Ini_props.StoredValues['Name'].Value;
That seems to be the sequence required to get a string, and it seems to
segfault if the .INI file is empty. Moreover, the ReadString() method
also segfaults if I use that method instead of the property, e.g.:
Name_field.Text := Ini_props.ReadString('Name', '<missing>');
The second approach has much neater syntax, plus it allows me to specify
a default value if the required section of the .INI file lacks a value
for that key. But I get access violations when the .INI file is empty.
So, any more tips down at the key/value pair level?
Dave [RLU #314465]
david.w.noon at ntlworld.com (David W Noon)
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