[Lazarus] speed of SynEdit [Re: Wiki pages suggestion - feature comparison]

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Tue Feb 24 15:25:32 CET 2009

Mattias Gaertner schrieb:

>> Now I could spot the trouble source: it's fpdoc!
> Why do you think so?

When the fpdoc window is open, the task manager shows a CPU usage of up 
to 100%, and every caret move can take several seconds. You can check 
this behaviour yourself, my test case is the Controls unit with the 
related include files.

When I close the fpdoc window, navigation through the text is not 
delayed, CPU usage stays at a few percents.

Memory usage is constant in either case, swapping seems not to occur.


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