[Lazarus] some workarounds [Re: Debugger problems]

Paul van Helden paul at planetgis.co.za
Fri Feb 27 13:51:28 CET 2009

External:SIGSEGV on calling OleInitialize on line 111 of win32object.inc

Paul van Helden wrote:
> Hi All,
> The debugger was working fine for me with the limitations noted in this 
> thread..... until two days ago. Now, like Alex, I get External SIGSEGV. 
> This happens on a new application. File->New->Application->Run (with gdb 
> debugger). I've rebuilt, installed yesterday's snapshot, cleared PATH 
> and tried --primary-config-path= something else. Nothing seems to solve 
> the problem. I'm forced to do my debugging on another computer!
> The problem appeared soon after I installed and rebuilt FPC from SVN to 
> a directory outside c:\lazarus, but that has all been renamed to make it 
> disappear and there is no PATH..
> Any ideas on how to get the debugger working again?
> Thanks,
> Paul.
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