[Lazarus] Patch for improved window layout

Alexander Klenin klenin at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 04:22:32 CET 2009

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Lee Jenkins schrieb:
>> I like being able to type "tobj" and hit enter to end up with TObjectList and a 
>> space after it to continue typing.  Just my personal preference. :)
> It's okay when I can tell the IDE when I want some assistance. It's not 
> okay when the IDE *means* that it should become active, and I have to 
> inspect and correct what it did to me and my code :-(

Agreed.  The CNWizards version has a couple of settings that help such as the 
number of chars that must be typed before the popup occurs.  Of course, if you 
just keep typing with pausing for x seconds/ms, the popup never occurs.

Warm Regards,


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