[Lazarus] pointer to int/other 32/64 bit?

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Jan 4 04:15:24 CET 2009

Paul Ishenin wrote:
> Craig Goodyear wrote:
>> I am trying to register for the forums at lazarus.freepascal.org.  I 
>> have tried 3 times without success.  Each time I get a response that an 
>> email has been sent to the email address that was entered, but I have 
>> not received an email yet.  I am sure that the email address that I have 
>> used is correct.
> 1. Which forum? Not long ago we changed our forum. Now it is placed 
> here: forum.lazarus.freepascal.org.
> 2. What username/email address?

I was was clicking on the "Create an account" link in the upper left on 
the home page at http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/ and entering the 
information at the resulting page.

the user name was "cjhs22a" with email of "cjhs22a at swbell.net"


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