[Lazarus] is it me or a bug that i ve been fighting?

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Jan 19 12:45:13 CET 2009

waldo kitty wrote:
> Martin Friebe wrote:
>> 2) You say you do not know the exact error: " because the popup box 
>> doesn't state it" => Try running the exe in the debugger, make sure you 
>> compile with debug symbols for gdb (-g, maybe also -gl).
> just following up on this (as my other reply hasn't srrived back from the list 
> yet) but i have just attempted to, with laz 0.9.27 fpc 2.2.3, run my app from 
> the laz gui via F9... i got a box stating
> Project raised exception class 'External SIGSEGV'
> at which point i could only click on the [OK] button in that box... then it 
> appeared that my box was locked up but it took a minute or so and another box 
> appeared titled "Assembly" with what appeared to be a list of addresses but i 
> farkled things up by attempting to scroll the box to see what may have been 
> listed and i lost the starting point that it gave me...

Yes the assembly window, ignore that (and yes if you close it to early, 
it does mind that sometimes)

Open view->debug->stack window (alt-ctrl-s)
That will show you where in the Lazarus code the exception happened.  
Problem: Likely it is in the fpc part, which will be useless numbers. Or 
even in the mysql library.

Anyway, unless you are willing to spent time on debugging the issue your 
self, and go into the depth of the Connector code, this will probably be 
of little help.
If you get the stack backtrace you can mail it and hope some one knows 

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