[Lazarus] Passing an array to a function

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Jan 19 16:12:11 CET 2009

Not sure, but I would try something like


The function is declared as 
  ReadBuffer(var Buffer; ....

So in reality a pointer to the variable is passed to the function. Your dyn-array is already a pointer. You are passing in a pointer to the internal pointer, and not to the bytes you allocated.


Dave Coventry wrote:
> I have a function that I'm trying to pass an array to.
> function FieldValueAsString(fsbuffer: array of Byte; fitype,fisize:
> integer): string;
> Calling the function:
> setlength(fsbuffer,recordsize);
> FS:=TFileStream.Create(fname, fmshareDenyWrite);
> FS.Seek(seekpos,soFromBeginning);
> FS.ReadBuffer(fsbuffer,recordsize);
> dfstring:= FieldValueAsString(fsbuffer,fitype,fisize);
> Generates the error "Project raised exception class SIGSEGV"
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