[Lazarus] is it me or a bug that i ve been fighting?

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Tue Jan 20 00:29:10 CET 2009

Martin Friebe wrote:
> Anyway, unless you are willing to spent time on debugging the issue your 
> self, and go into the depth of the Connector code, this will probably be 
> of little help.

i've finally been able to work out the following...

MySQLConnection: TMySQL50Connection;
   TMySQL50Connection = Class(TConnectionName);
     TConnectionName = class (TSQLConnection)
       TSQLConnection = class (TDatabase)
         TDatabase = class(TCustomConnection)
           TCustomConnection = class(TComponent)
             TComponent = class(TPersistent,IUnknown,IInterfaceComponentReference)
               TPersistent = class(TObject)

it works out that MySQLConnection.Close is TCustomConnection.Close but if i 
hover the mouse over "Close" in "Procedure Close;" in the public section of the 
TCustomConnection definition stuffs, the editor wants to point to the textfile 
close routine Close(var t:Text); which definitely isn't the same thing :(

and with all of the searching i've done, i still don't see anything that 
indicates where i can actually lay eyes on the code for TCustomConnection.Close 
nor do i see anything indicating that it is assigned to another routine going by 
another name :?

now i know why i much prefer the old-style procedural coding methods :P

> If you get the stack backtrace you can mail it and hope some one knows 
> about...

i still don't know what this involves :(


       (@@)                      Waldo Kitty, Waldo's Place USA
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_|_Eat_SPAM_to_email_me!_YUM!__|_____ wkitty42 -at- windstream.net

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