[Lazarus] fpWeb - Apache Modules

ABorka fpc-devel at aborka.com
Thu Jan 22 19:00:42 CET 2009

Yes, apache modules are working.

However, most of the example programs are obsolete and not working 
without some changes.

You also have to be sure to use the right FCL directory for your Apache 
version (httpd13, httpd20, httpd22).

Lee Jenkins wrote:
> Lee Jenkins wrote:
>> I'm playing around with the fpWeb stuff and it looks really good.  I may use it 
>> for some work on my company's website but I wanted to make sure that I could use 
>>   either cgi or apache dso.
>> Are there any examples for apache shared modules or is it pretty much the same 
>> as the CGI?  I see they both share the same ancestor datamodule descendant.
>> Are there any tutorials for setting up the apache mod version?  I plan to most 
>> of the coding with the cgi but again, want to make sure that the apache module 
>> version would work as well.
> I've been tickering a bit and I need to ask if anyone is using the apache module 
> version of fpWeb?  I've tried for about an hour and half to get apache2 to run 
> with a sample module to no avail.
> Library mod_test;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> Uses
>    fpWeb,lazweb,httpd,fpApache, web1;
> Const
> { The following constant is used to export the module record. It must
>    always match the name in the LoadModule statement in the apache
>    configuration file(s). It is case sensitive !}
>    ModuleName='test';
> { The following constant is used to determine whether the module will
>    handle a request. It should match the name in the SetHandler statement
>    in the apache configuration file(s). It is not case sensitive. }
>    HandlerName=ModuleName;
> Var
>    DefaultModule : module;
> {$ifdef unix} public name ModuleName;{$endif unix}
> {$ifdef windows}
> Exports defaultmodule name ModuleName;
> {$endif windows}
> {$IFDEF WINDOWS}{$R mod_test.rc}{$ENDIF}
> begin
>    Application.ModuleName:=ModuleName;
>    Application.HandlerName:=HandlerName;
>    Application.SetModuleRecord(DefaultModule);
>    Application.Initialize;
> end.
> My Apache2 httpd.conf:
> LoadModule test modules/mod_test.so
> <Location /test>
>    SetHandler test-handler
> </Location>
> When trying to start apache, I get:
> "Syntax error on line 136 of C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
> Cannot load C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/modules/mod_test.so into
> server: The specified module could not be found."
> The mod_test.so executable is definitely in the /modules directory of the Apache 
> installation.  Has anyone had this working or can provide a hint or two?
> I'm on Lazarus 927 on Vista.
> I'm a little frustrated at this point so I'm going to go for a walk... :)
> Thanks,
> --
> Warm Regards,
> Lee
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