[Lazarus] Drawing text in WinCE

Paul van Helden paul at planetgis.co.za
Thu Jan 29 17:02:17 CET 2009

John vd Waeter schrieb:

> Someone gave me this solution:
> 1. Make sure you set the dialogs formstyle to fsStayOnTop
> In the declaration of the dialog, just above the 'private'section:
>    procedure  CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
> which has:
> procedure TdlgLogIn.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
> begin
>    inherited;
>    Params.WndParent := TWinControl(Owner).handle;
> end;
> Don't know what it does exactly, but it sure helped!

IMO it makes the dialog a child window of the dialog Owner form. Child 
windows always stay on top of their parents (modal), as opposed to 
overlapped windows (modeless).


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