[Lazarus] Interact with M$ Word
Thierry Coq
tcoq at free.fr
Sat Jan 31 10:43:53 CET 2009
I agree with Phil. Automation is completely independent of the language.
There are currently three solutions to do what you want, in FPC/Lazarus.
a - wait for the next full version of FPC. Automation is scheduled to be
included. COM is already available.
b - based on the COM layer, build a Word Interface unit to insert your
data into the word tables.
c - use Excel as an intermediate. Generate your tables there, and ask
your user or do a little VB code to load the Excel tables into the Word
As a help, I am doing a port of Excel Automation of which a <very>
preliminary version is available here:
It uses the COM layer to provide an easier access to Excel Automation,
from FPC/Lazarus.
You can use it either as an example to do the b) option, or as a means
to do c) option.
Good luck,
Mac Programmer wrote:
> Automation has nothing to do with VBA. That's the whole point of
> Automation, that it's language independent.
> As Felipe rightly points out, many Laz users could profit from a
> library for creating office documents. Ideally it would have 3 notable
> characteristics:
> (1) Can create any type of office document programmatically without a
> particular office app or version being present. For word processing
> documents, RTF is perfect since it's a text format that is well
> supported by all word processors. FPC includes a unit for working with
> RTF documents. I created a thin wrapper for it that allows you to
> create RTF documents:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/XDev_Toolkit
> (2) Can manipulate the resulting RTF file with the office app. On
> Windows, Automation works great for that purpose. Your only real
> challenges here are: (a) Figuring out a way to mark the place in the
> document where the table should be inserted. You can do this in a
> number of ways, for example if your app or your users create documents
> based on a template that you provide, you could insert a hidden
> bookmark in the template and look for this in the document's Fields
> collection via Automation. (b) FPC 2.2.2 does not fully support
> Automation yet, it appears.
> You can insert text into a Word document from the clipboard via
> Automation with something like this:
> worddoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.Paste;
> To insert an RTF file into the document:
> worddoc.ActiveWindow.Selection.InsertFile(rtffilename,
> ConfirmConversions:=False);
> (3) Can do (2) across a variety of word processors in a
> cross-platform, cross-app way. This includes Word, OO and Apple's
> Pages. On Windows you can use Automation to manipulate both Word and
> OO. On OS X you can use AppleScript to manipulate word processors that
> include a dictionary of classes:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Multiplatform_Programming_Guide#Making_do_without_Windows_COM_Automation
> Thanks.
> -Phil
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