[Lazarus] Reading a file that contains UTF-8 text
Graeme Geldenhuys
graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Jul 9 13:07:01 CEST 2009
I was thinking more about a solution to this problem.
What if we move away from the point sizes and rather give it a name
like: ExtraLarge, Large, Normal, Small, Tiny etc... Then each platform
implements the size name to what they consider the valid point size
(taking into account dpi settings).
eg: Based on a 96dpi on Linux and Windows and 75 dpi on Mac
Font Size Linux Windows Mac
Large 12pt 10pt 15pt
Normal 10pt 8pt 13pt
Small 8pt 7pt 11pt
So when you specify Font-Size = Normal, it looks the same sime (or very
close) to what you intended, no matter the platform.
fpGUI Toolkit already uses what is called a Font Alias (or Font
Description) when specifying fonts in components. Obviously the
developer could specify fonts in the normal fashion as well (real font
name, size, attribute).
Examples of Font Aliases as used in fpGUI Toolkit:
(font aliases are denoted by a # prefix)
'#label1' = Arial-10:antialias=true
'#label2' = Arial-10:antialias=true:bold
'#edit1' = Arial-10:antialias=true
'#edit2' = Courier New-10:antialias=true
'#grid' = Arial-9
So I could probably define new font alias called #Large, #Normal,
#Small, or modify the existing aliases. Then under each platform
(platform specify backend units) specify the preferred point size for
each of those. That way my applications can still continue using the
Font Alias as normal when specifying a font. Ummm... that could work.
Here is an example of setting a font for a component using Font Aliases
- as used in fpGUI Toolkit:
Label1 := TfpgLabel.Create(self);
with Label1 do
Name := 'Label1';
SetPosition(8, 16, 104, 30);
FontDesc := '#Label2'; // font defined here
Hint := '';
Text := 'Some Caption';
Edit1 := TfpgEdit.Create(self);
with Edit1 do
Name := 'Edit1';
SetPosition(116, 16, 160, 34);
TabOrder := 1;
FontDesc := '#Edit1'; // font defined here
Text := '';
- Graeme -
fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal
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