[Lazarus] [fpc-pascal] Lazarus

Giuseppe Luigi Punzi glpunzi at lordzealon.com
Tue Jul 28 15:43:35 CEST 2009

El mar, 28-07-2009 a las 14:00 +0100, Henry Vermaak escribió:

> 2009/7/28 Brian Prentice <bprentice at webenet.net>:
> > Lazarus has not met its goal of 'write once and compile and run anywhere'
> > and is taking far too long to develop.  Should it be abandoned and replaced
> > with a new graphical user interface library based on the Java Swing toolkit?
> >  I would be interested in your comments on this matter.

Probably I'm a profane person, but....is not "fp IDE" the official IDE
of Pascal? AFAIK.

On the other hand, Where sais WHEN Lazarus will be "finished"? or the
objectives in space-time? Why Java is named in this mail? why
"abandoned" and "replaced" words, are in this mail, beeing lazarus
opensource and independent of the FreePascal Team project?

If I like Java, or .Net, or some supercool mainstream, I would not using
Lazarus, I would using SharpDevelop or Netbeans/Eclipse, [ironic on]or
better. VB6 [ironic off].

And lazarus slogan is:"write once, compile everywhere", nobody sais
thath will run :D
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